Tag "Russia"

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Middle East/North Africa Security

US-Russia negotiated ceasefire in Syria unlikely to succeed

The US-Russia ceasefire framework for Syria does not adequately rein in the Assad regime, as double standards and linguisitic loopholes abound. A guest post by Syrian journalist Abdulrahman al-Masri. The

Europe Politics

Political developments in Ukraine raise risk of instability

Recent developments do not bode well for Ukraine’s political stability and conflict resolution efforts. Following an ease of violence lasting several months, fighting has once again shot up in eastern

Middle East/North Africa Security

Is partitioning Syria a viable option?

US Secretary of State John Kerry recently said that partitioning Syria may be a possibility. In this debate series, GRI asked whether Syria would remain united. Jacob Purcell presents why,

Europe Politics

Deconstructing Serbia and Macedonia’s 2016 elections

Upcoming elections will consolidate the ruling party’s grip on power in Serbia and could well return a disgraced government to power in Macedonia. EU leaders will gloss over the former,

International Natural resources and energy

Saudi-Russian deal not a quick fix for the oil crisis

The recent deal struck between Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Venezuela to prop up oil prices by freezing production levels at January levels might have a psychological effect on oil

Economics Europe

Belarus caught in the middle between EU and Russia

Belarus’ future is torn between the potentially positive implications of the lifting of EU sanctions and the current major losses suffered by the national currency due to Russia’s economic crisis.

Middle East/North Africa Security

Breaking down the Syria peace deal

Just over a week after UN-sponsored negotiations ground to a halt in the face of a government breakthrough, the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) unexpectedly announced an ambitious agreement to

Asia Pacific Security

Two lessons on Asia the U.S. must heed

In determining its rebalance strategy in Asia, the US must learn from Russia’s failure and Australia’s success. Echoing George F. Kennan’s “Long Telegram” with respect to strategic foreign policy, the

Natural resources and energy North America

US LNG reaches out to global markets

With the first LNG export terminal in Sabina Pass, Louisiana now in operation, the US LNG export is becoming a reality, but low oil prices are constraining its future prospects.

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

New Hampshire holds primary. Obama sends budget to Congress. NATO Ministers meet. Google execs appear before UK Parliament. South African President releases address. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. New Hampshire holds nation’s first primary,