Debate Corner

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‘Debate Corner’ provides critical insight into the world’s most challenging political risk topics. Through well-balanced opinion based articles, the Debate Corner  offer a forum for deeper discussion into how major political decisions and security challenges affect markets, investment, and economic growth across the globe.

China Debate Corner Politics

Opinion: A Review of Bill Hayton’s latest book, “Invention of China”

An in-depth review of Bill Hayton’s latest book, “Invention of China” stands out as an accessible and expertly crafted examination of the origin of modern Chinese political thought.

Debate Corner Europe Politics

Does Scotland Need the EU?

Scottish independence is trusted back into the spotlight after the Brexit referendum, and EU membership is key to that dream. However, Britain does not oppose Scottish independence alone, as Scotland leaving the UK and joining the EU helps Catalonia argue for their own independence from Spain.

Debate Corner International

Will the link between climate change and conflict be recognised?

Although scientists, politicians and academics differ as to whether climate change directly causes armed conflict, humanitarian organisations like the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent believe the role climate change plays in violent strife can no longer be ignored. Communities have been torn apart by ethnic tensions exacerbated by drought-induced resource scarcity, and if world leaders fail to address the devastating effects of climate change, peacekeeping efforts in unstable territories could suffer.

Debate Corner Europe Security

Cuts in the European Defence Fund’s budget: at what cost?

The European Defence Fund (EDF) was originally intended as a key measure for achieving European strategic autonomy. Its downsizing is putting future EU military and industrial capabilities into question, while highlighting the permanent lack of defence cooperation between EU member states.

Debate Corner Eurasia

Russia: Space Expansionism Anew?

After the discovery of phosphine in Venus’ atmosphere, Russian Space Agency Roscosmos was quick to reaffirm Moscow’s commitment to exploring the planet. Furthermore, Russia’s previously dominant position in international space travel has been challenged since private actors have entered the field. These two factors prompt a potential revival of Russian extraterrestrial ambitions.

Asia Pacific Debate Corner

Economic slowdown and China’s green future

China has adopted a high-profile role as a champion for climate action and renewable energy. Yet, as the country faces new economic constraints, its climate endeavour might be in danger.

Debate Corner Middle East/North Africa

Is a new revolution on the horizon in Tunisia?

A flare-up of protests in Tunisia in early January had observers wondering whether the country was headed for renewed unrest and disarray. GRI asks: Will the upcoming elections serve as a catalyst?

Debate Corner Economics Europe

Will EU divisions delay Nord Stream 2?

A recent proposal from the European Commission to amend gas market regulations seems targeted at Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Europe is increasingly divided on the benefits of the project. GRI asks: Will Russia’s economic ambitions be stymied by European opposition?

Asia Pacific Debate Corner Security Technology and infrastructure

Is Sri Lanka the new hotspot in India-China relations?

Chinese- and Indian-funded capital projects in Sri Lanka are mired in controversy. GRI asks: has the island state has become a new frontier in Sino-Indian relations?

Debate Corner Security

Should Japan go nuclear?

GRI Debate: Should Japan abandon a long-held pacifist stance and acquire nuclear weapons? Amid escalating rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington, it has been suggested that Japan should support the US