Tag "Russia"

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Europe Security

The Nuclear Implications of Turkey-Russia Tensions

Turkey’s downing of a Russian aircraft presents the threat of economic and geopolitical consequences for both nations. Among these consequences, the potential cancellation of a nuclear power agreement poses a feasible

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Did Russia pave the way for peace in Syria?

As the conflict in Syria stretches on, the UN Security Council has tried to come up with a solution for peace. Now many are trying to decipher Russia’s recent intervention,

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

Russia’s push to Africa: Cooperation or competition?

As Russia continues its fight against Syrian elements, it has begun to engage more globally in the fight against terrorism, including Boko Haram. In the wake of the recent ISIS-led

International Security

What is the economic cost of terrorism?

Terrorist attacks have the potential to gravely impact economic markets. The attacks in Paris and the downing of the Russian jet in Egypt raise questions as to how markets respond

Europe Politics

Kosovo hampers Serbia’s progress towards the EU

After years in the political wilderness Serbia has started to make incremental progress towards becoming a full member of the EU. The events in Kosovo this month, sparking angry exchanges

Europe Natural resources and energy

The state of the European Energy Union

European Commission plan to make Europe’s energy market more integrated and less dependent on Russia will be stuck in intense negotiations in the next few years. Diverging interests between member

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Family dynasty inextricable from politics in Iran

The Larijani brothers wield tremendous influence over Iran’s foreign and domestic policy. Although personal relationships are a vital part of conducting politics and business in Iran, there are few family dynasties

Economics Europe

Russia could suffer economic blowback from Syria intervention

Russia’s domestic economy risks a further blow from the ongoing military operation in Syria. Already damaged by low oil prices, capital flight, inflation and western sanctions, Russia’s domestic economy risks

International Security

Opinion: Putin’s political calculus in Syria harms Russian interests

In precluding cooperation with NATO in the pursuit of a number of narrow and limited benefits, Putin is missing the greater benefits of what Russia could achieve by working with,

International Natural resources and energy

Turkey remains a strategic partner for the West

Turkey may be a better strategic partner than Russia to both the U.S. and Europe. Just as the Western Roman Empire could not survive without access to the riches of its