Tag "Macron"

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Middle East/North Africa Politics

Lebanon – Can France Resolve the Country’s Multiple Crises?

While Lebanon has been doubly afflicted by its economic crisis and the COVID pandemic, the fatal blow of Beirut’s port explosion heightened uncertainties concerning the country’s capacity to recover from its multiple troubles. Amid sporadic and hesitant foreign aid packages, France stood up as the figurehead of the country’s reconstruction. Nonetheless, the question remains: to what extent will Paris be able to bring about the changes Lebanon desperately needs?

Economics Europe

The Truth about European Champions

If the EU wants to compete globally, it must shed its emphasis on competition rules and relax its stringent merger regulations to favour the rise of European corporate champions.

Europe Politics

France and Italy: Growing tensions in Europe

France recalled its ambassador to Rome this month, for the first time since 1940, in a move which exemplifies a deepening diplomatic rift with Italy. Discord has been rumbling for months. This article explains why recent relations have become strained and how they could play out during 2019.


India, France, and their new security agreements

Regional power struggles and maritime security are at the heart of new security agreements between France and India. India is especially worried about being geopolitically isolated by China, and is seeking to expand its presence in the Indian Ocean.

Middle East/North Africa Security

What’s behind the upcoming western military intervention in Syria?

With a new intervention into the Syrian conflict set to unfold, strategic interests meet political ones for presidents Trump and Macron.

Europe Politics

France’s legislative election: The vote that can change everything

Sunday night’s vote isn’t the only one to watch. The June 2017 legislative elections have the potential to lead to a major political shift in France.

Europe Finance

Decisions delayed once again over Greece’s bailout

Greece is in the spotlight as debates regarding its bailout continue. Its fate is in the hands of the IMF, the EU and upcoming elections in Europe.

Europe Politics

Three takeaways from Macron’s new political movement

Emmanuel Macron’s new political movement highlights key deficiencies in the current French political sphere and exemplifies the risks generated by President Hollande’s diminished power.

Europe Politics

Labor reform and the potential political crisis in France

The cacophonic debate over the recently presented labor reform raises wonders about President Hollande’s strategy for the upcoming presidential campaign. The bill is just the preview of a stretch that

Economics Europe

The slow and bumpy road to reform in France

France’s Minister of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron, has fought hard for reforms. But the reform bill currently debated in the French parliament, despite moving in the right direction, will be of