Yemen: A forgotten war, new developments
Calls for the restoration of South Yemen, a worsening humanitarian crisis and the machinations of intervening regional powers all compound Yemen’s woes.
How Pope Francis is restoring the church in Latin American politics
Pope Francis understands that Latin America, the Church’s most stable consumer market, has embraced an evangelical competition.
New perspectives on cyber security: The regulatory challenge
Cyber security is a rapidly evolving sector. In 2018, the new European Union (EU) regulation on data, cyber and information security will be a game changer.
The potentially problematic nature of Trump’s tax plan
Upon closer examination of Trump’s recently released tax proposal, certain groups will benefit, while others may suffer economic harm.
The Week Ahead
Mexico and Cambodia hold key local elections. The Paris Climate Accord heads for uncertainty. Kinder Morgan IPO tests energy markets. All in The Week Ahead.
Under the Radar: Could Mongolia’s June election see a populist upset?
Mounting economic frustration and disenchantment with politics as usual could provide fertile ground for a political upset in Mongolia’s June 26th election.
Morocco’s ambitious investments in Sub-Saharan Africa full of risks and rewards
Morocco is consolidating its foothold in Sub-Saharan Africa by diversifying its investments and pushing for closer ties with dynamic economies in the region.
The risks of Finland’s populist downfall
The downfall of the populist Finns Party exposes potentially significant risks to political and societal stability for Finland.
NAFTA renegotiation: exercise in protectionism or opportunity for modernization?
President Trump will pursue the renegotiation of the NAFTA agreement, triggering potential opportunities and leading to renewed risks
Rouhani, Trump, and Theresa May: Is rapprochement dead?
Rouhani and his reformist allies rode their platform of social moderation and international engagement to crushing victories.