Tag "Russia"

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Eurasia Europe

Eurasia: Is Belarus the next Crimea?

Russia tries to tighten its grip while simultaneously decreasing the resulting budget burden. On the other hand, Belarus is not willing to sacrifice its sovereignty but is acutely aware of its economic dependence on Russia.

Middle East/North Africa Security

Syria’s Idlib: Limited offensive to enforce Sochi Accord

Bashar al-Assad’s regime started an aerial assault against rebel-held areas in northwest Syria in late April. The purpose of the offensive is capturing the M4 and M5 highways from Aleppo to Hama and Lattakia, as agreed in Sochi.

Eurasia Technology and infrastructure

VPN providers warned in Russia

Russia has warned VPN providers that do not adhere to domestic censorship laws that they may face being banned. This is in-line with recent plans to create a ‘Sovereign Internet’. These laws include prohibiting access to sites on the country’s national block-list.

Europe Politics

Ukraine: Presidential Elections 2019

Ukrainians will cast their vote in a historic Presidential election on Sunday. Poroshenko and Zelensky are the main contenders.

Politics South and Central Asia

Kazakhstan: A new dawn?

Kazakhstan’s leader Nazarbayev resigned from the Presidency after 3 decades to become Chairman of the Security Council and leader of the ruling party.

Eurasia The Security Briefing

Russia’s cyber blindspot: Vulnerabilities and measures

Russian officials have announced plans to disconnect the nation from the wider internet to protect against cyber-attacks. Frequently depicted as a cyber aggressor, Russia suffers from numerous significant weaknesses in its own approach with cyber-attacks. This article covers Russia’s past vulnerabilities to major cyber attacks and how these measures would be deficient in currently preventing one.

Insights South and Central Asia

Between a Bear and a Dragon: New challenges for Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s president Nursultan Nazarbayev is stepping down. This exposes the new leader to challenges of balancing Kazakh interests between China & Russia

Eurasia Technology and infrastructure

The final iron curtain for Russia’s internet?

Russian legislators sparked hot debate this month voting by an overwhelming majority to permit a trial shutdown of Russia’s segment of the internet (runet).

Economics Europe

Russia: Michael Calvey’s shock arrest

Renowned investment mogul, Michael Calvey, is currently held in pretrial detention by Moscow authorities.

Politics South and Central Asia

Sino-Russian alignment in reality: The case of Central Asia

This article presents an assessment of what the Sino-Russian relationship mean for Central Asia and the United States, in the short and long term.