Tag "EU"

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Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

Bloc to bloc: why ECOWAS cannot sign the EU’s EPA

Another European EPA hits a wall in Africa as Nigeria – the continent’s largest economy – continues to reject a West African deal.

Europe Security

Germany’s security dilemma: Realpolitik rediscovered

Instability from Russia, the U.S. and Middle East is waking Germany from its post-Cold War slumber: it must take more responsibility for its own security.

Economics Europe Sub-Saharan Africa

Bloc to Bloc: SADC’s modest EPA gains

The recent EPA between the EU and ‘SADC EPA Group’ symbolically intensifies trade ties, but greater impacts are likely to be felt outside this relationship.

Europe Finance

Decisions delayed once again over Greece’s bailout

Greece is in the spotlight as debates regarding its bailout continue. Its fate is in the hands of the IMF, the EU and upcoming elections in Europe.

Economics Europe

The UK and EU face off over Middle Eastern trade

Theresa May’s recent visits to Trump and Erdogan are under discussion as negotiations and trade deals make the reality of Brexit felt all the more strongly.

Europe Future Generator

Future Generator: Good news ahead for Europe

EE’s data analytics platform projects that media sentiment towards Europe will turn positive over the next three weeks.

Economics Europe

New bridges across the Mediterranean

Despite regional security and political challenges trade trends between the EU and southern Mediterranean countries has improved over the last decade.

Europe Future Generator

Future Generator: Positive UK media coverage will continue for the next two weeks

EE’s data analytics platform projects that media sentiment towards the UK and Brexit will remain positive over the next two weeks.

Asia Pacific Politics

2017 Preview: A new red star over China – Part 2: China and the world

Part two of a two-part look at what is in store for China in 2017. China’s catch-22 – being a ‘responsible stakeholder’, while tending towards isolation.

International Politics

Trends of 2016: Protest at the ballot box

2016 has been a tumultuous year for democratic politics. The rise of populism, nationalism, and anti-establishmentarianism has been the story of the year.