Tag "EU"

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Economics Europe

The economic cost of the Catalonia crisis

The political crisis in Spain is starting to have economic consequences. Companies are moving their headquarters from Catalonia, and GDP forecasts are down.

Europe Politics

The origins of the Catalonia crisis

Spain is on the verge of imposing direct rule over Catalonia, with potentially explosive consequences. How did we get here?

Europe Security Technology and infrastructure

New EU cyber strategy leaves key security gaps

GRI examines the strengths and weaknesses of Europe’s cyber strategy “Resilience, Deterrence and Defence: Building strong cybersecurity for the EU”.

Economics Special Reports

The Energy Briefing: Brexit’s impact on the energy sector

Brexit raises significant questions for the EU’s internal energy market and UK energy security, including in the North Sea.

Guest Post Latin America Politics

Guest Post: Is Venezuela experiencing resistance fatigue?

Food and medicine shortages in Venezuela are growing increasingly severe, inflation levels are rising, and many citizens are struggling to meet their basic needs. Despite these circumstances, Venezuelans continue to

Europe Politics

The dangers of Europe’s failure to defend democracy

Europe is increasingly holding back when faced with clear violators of democratic norms, from the far-flung DRC to neighbouring countries like Turkey. The ramifications end up jeopardising Europe’s own security. Earlier

Natural resources and energy South and Central Asia

Indonesian and Malaysian palm oil at a crossroads

Europe’s war against palm oil and overall western pressure risks pushing Indonesia and Malaysia closer to less regulated markets.

International Politics The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

India to host Nepalese Prime Minister as tensions continue over Doklam. UK releases more Brexit position papers. Jackson Hole Summit. All in The Week Ahead.

North America Politics

Trump’s burn book: NAFTA negotiations will only extend Chinese influence in the Americas

Trump once labelled NAFTA, “the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere”. This month, he unveiled the NAFTA negotiating agenda, providing a template for trade negotiations yet to occur with other countries – such as China, Germany, and Japan. With an emphasis on tackling tax systems and removing barriers to the US agriculture and manufacturing industries, Asian negotiators will be watching closely.

Asia Pacific Politics

Will the South China Sea dispute mark the downfall of ASEAN?

The South China Sea dispute revolves around territorial claims, and could have a significant impact on the future of ASEAN.