Tag "EU"

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Rethinking Trump’s electoral win and the current populist wave

Trump’s win and Brexit aren’t the result of economic inequality or globalization, but rather due to basic values and vision.

Europe Politics

Pro-Russian wins in Bulgaria and Moldova: Ideology or pragmatism?

Last month, Bulgaria and Moldova elected pro-Russian presidential candidates. What do these victories signify: a reversal of ideological loyalties away from NATO and the EU and towards Russia, a public outcry against the corruption of the pro-Western governing elites, or a new era of ‘pivot states,’ which try to balance out their allegiances? A guest post by Dr. Gergana Dimova.

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

What lies ahead for post-election Gambia?

Gambia’s president has stepped aside after 22 years in power. This might mark the beginning of recovery for the Gambian economy, undermined by decades of authoritarian rule.

Europe Politics

Are we seeing the end of anti-Russian sanctions?

Upcoming EU elections promise to see greater prominence of pro-Russian candidates, undermining Europe’s efforts to renew is Russian sanctions in 2017.

Economics Europe International

China in Europe: reshaping trade relations with Central Eastern Europe

China, who has been systematically and intentionally bypassed by the most important regional trade agreements, is now making history by building its way into the Western markets. For China, Central

Europe Finance

Losing allies: EU cultivates new friendship with Azerbaijan

Last week, the EU formally approached Azerbaijan to renegotiate their relationship, signalling an upgrade in diplomatic relations. Europe is hedging against continued deterioration of its alliances, whilst Azerbaijan will be

Economics Europe

2017 will see more EU division over Russia sanctions

Russia’s counter-sanctions are hurting various European economies while major investment projects in Russia are being blocked by EU sanctions. This situation has led to enhanced tensions within the EU, thus increasing the risk of disunity regarding its policy towards Moscow.

Europe Politics

Wallonia’s “no” to CETA is a warning against scattered regionalism

CETA is an example of the dangers the EU faces in remodelling its processes and making them more inclusive in order to better connect with citizens.

Economics Europe

3 risks to post-Brexit investment in the UK

Global venture capitalists devalued their investments in UK tech startups in Q3. Here are three reasons why that trend might continue.

Economics Europe

4 reasons Apple should have seen EU tax ruling coming

The European Commission’s recent action against Apple is the latest in a number of antitrust cases it has brought against U.S tech firms. Despite howls of protest, Commissioner Margrethe Vestager shows no sign of toning down her policy.