Tag "Arctic Council"

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China Insights

Chinese Activity in the Arctic

Growing US concerns over Chinese involvement in Arctic affairs have raised tensions between the two states. Although detrimental to mutual trust, it is unlikely that economic activity in the Arctic Circle will be disrupted in the near future as China currently seeks to avoid securitization of the region.  

Asia Pacific Security

Japan needs its own agenda to better trade ties with Russia

Recently, Sergey Lavrov visited Japan to discuss bilateral cooperation. The visit’s real aim was to stress the value to Russia of a more independent Japan.

International Security

Arctic nations continue militarizing the Arctic

Arctic nations have in recent years unveiled plans to upgrade military capabilities, allowing for operations in the harsh Arctic region. Yet while these developments affirm the increased strategic value of

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

India moves on long-term plans for Arctic investment

This year, India experienced economic turmoil that highlighted several obstacles to long-term growth. The rupee crash and slowed economic growth have led some to question whether the world’s largest democracy can

Europe Security

Four Years In: Reviewing Catherine Ashton’s Term

The European Union is ‘an Economic Giant, a Political Dwarf, and a Military Worm’. The first part is undeniably true, as the current EU-US negotiations remind us, but have the second two

International Natural resources and energy

China Moves on Arctic Resource Potential

China hopes to utilize its growing economic clout and new Arctic council observer status to push for greater polar influence. This year, the Arctic Council admitted six new nations as

Europe Natural resources and energy

Greenland’s Energy Slowly Reveals Itself

One of the most visible effects of global climate change in recent years, is the thawing of Arctic ice, which could have particularly disastrous consequences by raising global sea levels or