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Europe Politics

Italy Embraces Belt and Road Initiative

On March 23, Italy formally endorsed China’s landmark Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The new arrangement risks riling fellow EU members, the United States and the rest of the G7. It could also see a seismic shift in China’s Europe strategy. Xi Jinping’s increasingly ubiquitous reinvigoration of the Silk Road will result in further involvement in European politics, business and defence for years to come, with wide-ranging repercussions. Italy’s decision places itself in an invidious position and will meet disapproval from traditional allies.

Europe Politics

European Union: Renaissance or Sturm und Drang

French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a European Renaissance. This article examines the potential business risks this proposal portends for foreign investors.

Europe Politics

Italy: Likelihood of general elections

The recent regional elections in Abruzzo and Sardinia have highlighted the contrasting political fortunes of the two populist parties that make up Italy’s coalition government.

Economics Europe

Russia: Michael Calvey’s shock arrest

Renowned investment mogul, Michael Calvey, is currently held in pretrial detention by Moscow authorities.

Europe Politics

America and Europe: Growing differences over Iran

The United States’ and Poland’s co-hosted conference in Europe is a controversial event. It has united some American allies around President Donald Trump’s aggressive anti-Iran posturing while alienating some others.

Europe Risk Pulse

Fortress Europe? Protectionism and populism raise political risk in the European Union

Is Europe starting to close its doors to foreign competitors? Recent calls to establish “European Champions” in the wake of the U.S.-led trade wars and an attempt to invigorate flagging economies suggest that Europe is starting to pull up the drawbridge of Fortress Europe. Increasing populism throughout the EU, especially in core economic leaders such as Germany and France, are driving political leaders away from globalist principles and towards a more nationalistic economic strategy. As formerly staunch globalists leave center stage and attacks are made on the existing competition structure in the EU, what political risk might foreign firms face in Europe in the near and mid-term future as these political and economic protectionist movements play out?

Europe Politics

France and Italy: Growing tensions in Europe

France recalled its ambassador to Rome this month, for the first time since 1940, in a move which exemplifies a deepening diplomatic rift with Italy. Discord has been rumbling for months. This article explains why recent relations have become strained and how they could play out during 2019.

Europe Politics

Irish backstop: PM risks future of the Union

New assurances regarding the backstop will likely secure Brexit, but it would also inflame nationalist passions in Ireland which would threaten the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom

Europe Politics

Greece ends Macedonia name dispute

On 25 January, the Greek Parliament ratified the Prespa Agreement, thereby ending a 28-year-long dispute over the name of Greece’s northern neighbour. This heralds a new start in Greek-Macedonian relations, but it also has important international implications, including for the NATO and Russia.

Europe Security

Brexit effect on security in the UK

The downstream effects of Brexit, and particularly a no-deal Brexit, have harrowing consequences for the safety of Britons. If there is no deal on 29 March, the UK’s counterterrorism and policing operations risk being significantly burdened by borders  and hindered by restrictions on intelligence sharing.