Tag "US"

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Finance North America

Federal Reserve to test negative interest rates

In a recently released annual report, the Federal Reserve issued rules for stress-test scenarios that include a move to negative interest rates. While the report is careful to categorize the

North America Politics

Why Republicans have the best economic vision for 2016

In this debate series, GRI asked whether the Democrats or Republicans have a less politically risk vision in the 2016 presidential election. Jeff Moore presents why the Republicans’ vision of

Asia Pacific Security

Will North Korea’s latest rocket launch result in tougher sanctions?

North Korea’s February 7th launch of a satellite-equipped rocket may appear to be just another chapter in the series of antagonistic taken by the rogue regime in recent months —

Finance Latin America

Trouble in paradise: Puerto Rico in default

With negotiations failing and missed debt payments mounting, Puerto Rico’s debt crisis keeps getting worse. What lessons will be learned from how the Isle of Enchantment weathers the storm? In

Asia Pacific Security

What is Russia signalling by circumnavigating Japan?

Russia has circumnavigated Japan, signalling its role as a great power-player in the Asia-Pacific. During the Cuban Missile Crisis over 50 years ago, U.S. Secretary of Defense McNamara was known

International Politics

Top 5 political risks to watch for in 2016

The year 2016 will pose a number of major risks for the international community, not only in traditional trouble spots but also in the democracies of the West and in

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

The Nairobi MC10: Power struggle ending in draw

The 10th WTO Ministerial Conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya from the 15th -18th December, 2015. As outcomes are ambiguous, the conference supports the fact that rules-based systems have become

International Natural resources and energy

2016: Top five trends in oil markets

The oil industry is facing another tough year ahead. Here are five top trends that will dominate the oil markets in 2016. Oil glut will continue well into 2016 The

Asia Pacific Security

How China is reforming its military

After months of discussion, President Xi has finally launched the expected reform of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), saluted as one of the most radical and at the same time

North America Security

The United States’ vulnerabilities to terrorism

Is watching over your shoulder here to stay? GRI looks at America’s vulnerabilities to terrorism post-San Bernardino. A lot has happened these past weeks to American vulnerabilities which have taken