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International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

US Senate considers trade promotion authority for President Obama. G7 energy ministers meet to discuss Iran framework deal. Obama meets with the GCC to work on regional cooperation. EU finance ministers

Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Petrobras releases audited financials. EU prepares Google antitrust case. US Senate considers new legislation. Eurozone and Greece get ready for Riga meeting. Oil companies and associated government officials meet to

Economics International

U.S. Congress poised to move forward on trade policy

For the United States to successfully conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Congress must first pass trade promotion authority. It is increasingly poised to do so. Seven years ago, the United

North America Politics

Will Obama’s State of the Union proposals survive Congress?

Last night, President Obama delivered his 2015 State of the Union Address to a special joint session of Congress covering swathes of domestic and foreign policy issues. The important question,

Asia Pacific Economics

One year in, is the honeymoon over for Abenomics?

Shinzo Abe celebrated his first year as Japanese Prime Minister in December, which also marked one year with Abenomics. For many, this will be a dismal anniversary, as the latest

Economics International

What to watch for in the TPP trade negotiations

An ambitious free trade agreement between twelve Pacific Rim countries could mirror NAFTA negotiations, with added wrinkles from China and new technologies. U.S. trade delegations are currently reaching across both

Economics International

WTO gets back to work, providing trade increase of $1 trillion

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has remained more or less docile for the past 20 years until it passed a critical agreement last Saturday. The agreement shows that the WTO

North America Politics

TPP delayed as US auto makers push for currency clause

As the year’s end deadline for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal nears, US lawmakers press to include a provision on currency manipulation – in part to support US automakers. Including

Asia Pacific Economics

The US is Winning the Asia PTA Race

With political instability in the Middle East and North Africa, and uncertainties in South America, it seems that among developing regions, only Pacific Asia continues to boast strong growth and

Asia Pacific Politics

Japan’s Reform Opportunity Jeopardised by Militarism

Japan’s ruling Liberal Democrat Party (LDP) won an impressive electoral victory on July 22nd, earning a decisive majority in the upper house of the Japanese Diet. Of the 121 seats