Tag "refugee crisis"
Iran – Taliban Relations: What to Expect
On October 4, less than two months since the Taliban takeover of Kabul, leaders of the group met with members of the Iranian delegation in order to discuss trade and business relations. The Iranian embassy in Kabul was one of few to remain operational. Historically, Iran has been considered among the Taliban’s bitter enemies. However, the current developments are indicative of Iran’s commitment to realpolitik.
Bosnia: Humanitarian crisis and EU aspirations
Human rights NGOs and international organisations have raised flags that increasing migration flows along the Western Balkans route may soon constitute in a humanitarian crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is likely that this crisis may damage Bosnia’s already fragile EU accession aspirations.
Challenges lie ahead for the European Union’s lofty new Africa plan
The European Commission’s renewed efforts to increase investment in Africa may signal a new commitment to take their economic partnership to the next level. But can the EU achieve its trade ambitions while being pulled in so many different directions?
The Week Ahead: 8 – 14 July 2018
Trump chooses the next Supreme Court Justice. Italy, Germany, and Austria meet to hash out refugee migrant border plan. All in The Week Ahead. UNITED STATES: Trump Supreme Court pick could
No safe haven for Rohingya migrants during monsoon season
Over 700,0000 Rohingya migrants crossed the border after fleeing persecution in Myanmar to Bangladesh where they are threatened by the impending monsoon season.
Interview with Dr. Joshua Landis: The Syrian regime in 2017
Global Risk Insights spoke with Dr. Joshua Landis on what is ahead for Syria’s government in 2017 after the fall of Aleppo.
Jordan-EU trade deal may benefit economy and refugee crisis
The recent trade deal between Jordan and the EU is a bold proposal to attract foreign capital and employ Syrian refugees.
String of attacks increases risk of anti-refugee sentiments and political tensions in Germany
The latest string of violence increases risk of anti-refugee feelings and political tensions as Merkel is weakened by the refugee crisis.
How Turkey’s attempted military coup hurts NATO
Under Erdoğan, Turkey has increasingly become an obstruction to NATO and Western foreign policy implementation in the region.