Tag "King Mohammed VI"

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Middle East/North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa

Morocco’s ambitious investments in Sub-Saharan Africa full of risks and rewards

Morocco is consolidating its foothold in Sub-Saharan Africa by diversifying its investments and pushing for closer ties with dynamic economies in the region.

Middle East/North Africa Politics

What’s next for Morocco’s new government?

The formation of a new government in Morocco has put an end to months of political stalemate. The new governing coalition faces multiple challenges

Economics Middle East/North Africa

EDA: Morocco overly dependent on trade with Europe

EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES ANALYSIS: Recent trips by Morocco’s King Mohammed VI to four African countries, however, suggest a shift in strategy towards African markets. In March 2014, King Mohammed VI of Morocco

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Morocco’s Government Begins to Unravel

On 10 July 2013, the Istiqlal party announced its spontaneous departure from the Moroccan government. As the second largest political party within the Moroccan parliament, forming part of the governing