Tag "European Central Bank"

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Economics Europe

ECB: Systemic problems and future headwinds

At the next European Central Bank policy meeting in September, it is expected to gently lower interest rates to ease the burden on a stagnant Eurozone economy.

International Politics The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

Eyes on China and US data. The ECB and Bank of Japan talk rates. California votes on cap and trade. Investments in Iran safe for now. All in The Week Ahead.

International Politics The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

OPEC meets with non-OPEC producers. UK Court reviews May appeal. ECB to extend bond buying. Trump mulls candidate for Sec. of State. Ghana elects new president.

Finance International

What can investors do about the negative rates conundrum?

Spooked markets and heightened investor anxiety has provoked a pronounced change in long term capital allocation strategies.

Economics International

Looking towards Ireland to forecast Trump’s tax plan

In a GRI Guest Post, Winthrop Rodgers explores what Ireland’s economy can indicate about U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s tax plan.

Europe Finance

EU finance: Quantitative Easing and the cap key approach

Quantitative Easing in the Eurozone is not perfect, but a better approach may create too much risky exposure for the European Central Bank.


Can stimulus measures offset the impact of Brexit?

The Bank of England eyes a fiscal stimulus. This may not be enough to counter the uncertainty caused by the Brexit

Europe Finance

Brexit leaves markets in upheaval

As Leave triumphs in Brexit vote, world financial markets are left reeling from a surprise upheaval to the established order.

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Investors meet to discuss Brazil woes. Chancellor builds case for UK “In” campaign. Primaries in New York remain decisive. Obama meets with GCC nations. ECB announces rates. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Latin Finance

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Brexit debate begins. IMF delivers economic outlook. Bank of England sets rates. Democratic candidates debate. China figures highlight slowing. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Brexit debate kicks into high