Tag "Europe"

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Europe Natural resources and energy

The Energy Briefing: Will US gas exports to Europe surge?

As US LNG exports have increased, policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic have viewed them as a way to decrease Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas. However, their ultimate success will be determined by market dynamics. At the moment, these dynamics generally favor Gazprom’s continued dominance.

Europe Politics

Fate of migrant ship Aquarius exacerbates divisions within EU

Italy’s decision to turn away the migrant ship, Aquarius, reinforced the deep schism within the EU on how to manage the migration crisis. With a pan-European solution looking increasingly unlikely, the crisis is only going to continue, increasing political and economic risk in the region by further emboldening the populist right and undermining the EU’s capacity to solve collective problems.


The future of the Iran deal: the new big three against Trump

Whether it was French President Emanuel Macron or German Chancellor Angela Merkel side by side US President Donald Trump, what seems clear is that there is change in the air for the West’s relations with Iran.

Middle East/North Africa Security

Trump’s short-sighted stance on Iran leaves door open for China

Trump’s refusal to re-certify the JCPOA nuclear deal is likely to push Iran closer to China, which has become a major Iranian trading partner.

Europe Security Technology and infrastructure

New EU cyber strategy leaves key security gaps

GRI examines the strengths and weaknesses of Europe’s cyber strategy “Resilience, Deterrence and Defence: Building strong cybersecurity for the EU”.

Europe Security

How a shrinking Islamic State creates new risks in Europe

As the Islamic State loses territory, Europe will almost certainly continue to face an elevated risk of crude attacks conducted by radical Islamists

Europe Security

After Mosul: the terrorist threat in Europe

After its military set backs, the Islamic State will continue to constitute a major terrorist threat in Western Europe in the foreseeable future.

Politics Security

Trump’s retreat from American leadership

President Trump has broken a longstanding American commitment to global leadership by withdrawing from key international agreements.

Europe Security

Why do terrorist attacks succeed?

Understanding why terrorist attacks succeed is essential in setting up long-term policies aimed at eradicating the Sunni extremist threat.

Europe Security

Responding to the “lone-wolf” threat in Western Europe

Starting with the 2012 France attack, single-assailant terrorist attacks have increasingly come to define the security environment in Western Europe.