Tag "Euro"
Currencies: Is the Dollar in Danger?
Recent declines in the dollar have once again raised questions about its status as the de facto global reserve currency. But the current depreciation in the greenback is more the result of a perfect short-term storm, as opposed to a permanent global retreat from the dollar.
Decisions delayed once again over Greece’s bailout
Greece is in the spotlight as debates regarding its bailout continue. Its fate is in the hands of the IMF, the EU and upcoming elections in Europe.
The Week Ahead
British politics brace for Brexit fallout. EU leaders discuss post-Brexit steps. Australia heads to the polls. European and US central bankers meet. All in The Week Ahead. Brexit fallout continues
Scrapping the €500 bill highlights ECB-Berlin policy rift
The decision to scrap the €500 bill increases the risk of tensions between the ECB and Berlin and highlights both actors diverging policy interests.
The Political Risks of a ‘remain’ Brexit vote for the Conservative Party
David Cameron’s gamble to call a referendum on Britain’s EU membership may seem to have succeeded if the outcome will go against a Brexit. The reality will be more unpredictable,
Will EU budget rule-breaking become a norm?
This month the European Commission published its assessments of the draft budgetary plans of Eurozone member states for the year 2016. They have already prompted rebukes from EU member states
The latest signals from the European Central Bank
By reevaluating the current bond purchase program and refusing to rule out a rate cut, the European Central Bank opened a new set of opportunities for investors. The action also
A Franc Discussion: Switzerland’s currency troubles
The Swiss National Bank is faced with an overheating currency and slumping economy following the decision to abandon the currency exchange rate cap on the Euro. Uncertainty in the EU
Greece crisis poses risks to an already-slow global economic recovery
The situation in Greece is complicated. Countries all around the world are starting to worry about the possible consequences of the Greeks falling outside of the euro. On the other side