Tag "Colombian peace talks"

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Insights Latin America Politics

Enduring Denialism: A Threat to Sustainable Peace in Colombia

The 2016 peace deal between the FARC-EP guerrilla and the Colombian state has proven domestically polarising. Recently, the release of the final report of the Truth Commission has highlighted denialism as an important cause of persistent violence. Massive contestation of the report on behalf of the Colombian right thereby shows that this denialism is far from overcome. Rather, it poses significant challenges to the newly elected Petro administration as well as Colombia’s peacebuilding prospects more generally.

Insights Latin America Politics

Opinion: Colombia’s Violent Start to 2022: A Key Electoral Cycle

The New Year has not had a happy start for many Colombians: An already alarming security situation is currently escalating into new record levels of violence in several parts of the country. Although the perpetrators vary regionally, the main affected are the same: the civilian population in general, and social leaders and human rights defenders in particular. In addition to the weak response of the Colombian state so far, observers expect a further deterioration linked to the upcoming legislative and presidential elections. 

Latin America Security

FARC deserters put Colombia’s peace process at risk

Colombia faces an immediate danger to peace in the form of demobilising FARC, with the risk of recycling guerrilla fighters into criminal activity looming.

Latin America Politics

Self-imposed deadline in FARC peace process a grave misstep for Colombian government

This post was written by GRI senior analyst Daniel Lemaitre and guest author Ana Caridad. Among all the woes that President Santos suffered in March, the worst one was self-inflicted—announcing