Tag "Brazil"
Implications Intensify: Illegal Gold Mining in Brazil’s Amazon Region
A recent uptick in illegal gold mining in Brazil’s northern Amazon states is particularly concerning for private sector actors operating in the territory. It is also posing a serious challenge to the implementation of consistent and effective public policy to curtail such activities.
Brazil’s Attitude Towards the Pandemic Poses a Serious Threat to the Region
Since the start of the pandemic, Brazil has become an epicenter for the spread of coronavirus in the region. Jair Bolsonaro has opposed lockdowns, supported unreliable medical treatments, and downplayed the impact of COVID-19 in the country. The eruption of the new Brazilian variant (known as P1) is dominating the country. This scenario has alerted leaders, who have taken measures to prevent this new and highly contagious variant from proliferating freely. The situation is becoming a threat to the region. The lack of policies can lead to the outbreak of new coronavirus variants that can alter vaccination plans in the rest of the continent.
Latin America – Russia’s Game in 2021: an Outlook
Latin America is at a turning point and there will be a lot at stake for Russia’s influence building in the region in 2021. The instability created by an unprecedented recession and an increased political polarisation in what promises to be a hectic electoral year as well as a more active US foreign policy after Trump’s neglect will probably increase Moscow’s appetite for the subcontinent.
Brazil – First 2022 Election Forecast
As the end of 2020 approaches, incipient forecasts about Brazil’s 2022 general election scenario start emerging. As the recent years — and even months — have insistently shown, new facts can easily move the needle towards unforeseen directions, which demands continuous monitoring and analysis. As of December 2020, however, these are the main insights for a forecast on the outcome of Brazil’s 2022 election for President.
Brazil: How is South America’s biggest economy poised to behave?
Last week Brazil’s COPOM (Committee for Monetary Policy) met to discuss the current economic environment, not only in Brazil but around the world. The meeting had one overall result, which was to maintain current interest rates. The country’s Taxa Selic will stay at 2% p.a. Although this event might not seem newsworthy, it tells us a great deal about the recovery of the South American economy.
EU-Mercosur FTA: Threats and Challenges
When the European Commission announced the signing of the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement, it sounded like a done deal. However, the provisional text must be ratified by all the parliaments of adhering countries, including the European Parliament and Council.
Bolsonaro’s Environmental Policy: An Increasing Risk
President Jair Bolsonaro’s inauguration in January marked Brazil’s entry into the ranks of nations recently electing far-right leadership. In the first five months of his term, Bolsonaro’s r has drawn particular ire for altering environmental policies.
Brazil elects Jair Bolsonaro as its next president
In the most polarized election in the history of Brazil, the second round of the presidential election featured a far left and a far right candidate and split the electorate.
Maduro regime unfazed by condemnation
In a historic rebuke, five Latin American nations urged the ICC to investigate the regime of Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro for human rights abuses. Though this public denunciation is noteworthy, the main external threat to the Maduro regime comes not from its neighbors, but from Beijing.
The Week Ahead: 30 September – 6 October
Elections in Cameroon, Brazil, and Latvia. Kavanaugh confirmation. All in The Week Ahead. BRAZIL: Significant tension as elections loom and far-right leader appears to be in the lead This Sunday, Brazil’s more than