Tag "Austerity"

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Europe Politics

A fighting chance for Jeremy Corbyn

The UK’s new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is known for his straightforward approach to politics and left-leaning economic agenda. Although he stands on huge public support, Corbyn faces a difficult path

Economics Europe

The slow and bumpy road to reform in France

France’s Minister of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron, has fought hard for reforms. But the reform bill currently debated in the French parliament, despite moving in the right direction, will be of

Europe Finance

Negotiating Greece’s debt is risky business

Call it moral hazard or moral responsibility, but the Greek leadership of Syriza is pushing Europe hard to renegotiate its bailout. “We cannot find the truth on our own, but

Europe Politics

Will Greek anti-austerity affect Spain’s many elections in 2015?

Spain faces a year fraught with political uncertainty and potential institutional upheaval. A spate of elections are scheduled to take place throughout the year and will test the country’s ability to maintain

Europe Finance

Greece elections draw the Eurozone closer to political conflict

As Lithuania celebrates its entrance into the Eurozone, Greece contemplates its own exit for the second time. With the upcoming elections and the rise of the Syriza Party marking uncertainty

Asia Pacific Economics

One year in, is the honeymoon over for Abenomics?

Shinzo Abe celebrated his first year as Japanese Prime Minister in December, which also marked one year with Abenomics. For many, this will be a dismal anniversary, as the latest

Economics Europe

Slovenia is Still Standing in Line for a Bailout

Should Slovenia fail to stabilise its economy in the upcoming weeks it will probably be forced to ask for a bailout from the European Union, the Governor of the Bank

Economics Europe

Abolishing Ireland’s Senate may aid economic recovery

The current public focal point of the Irish government’s political and economic reform is the upcoming October 4th referendum on whether or not to abolish the Irish Senate, known more

Economics Europe

Overdue Privatization Looms in Slovenia After Euro-crisis

Long lauded as the European poster child for successful post-communist liberalization and integration, Slovenia has felt the brunt of the global and European economic crises. After gaining independence from Yugoslavia

Europe Politics

Why Political Parties in Opposition Will Never Embrace Austerity

This article hence proposes two major reasons to account for such a trend – unpopularity and inaccessibility of the austerity measures, dynamics of political parties during elections. “The President’s great