Tag "Asia Pacific"
Prospects for EU-ASEAN Security Ties
Ambiguity persists over how ASEAN-EU security relations in Indo-Pacific may evolve given the announcement of ‘strategic partnership’ between the two blocs.
Japan: military expansion and instability in East Asia
With an incursive China, relaxing American input and an ambiguous Trump-Kim relationship, Japan bolsters its military capabilities to face uncertain times.
Foreign aid and strategic competition in the South Pacific
On February 26, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck 35 kilometres underneath the Southern Highlands in Papua New Guinea, causing at least fifty deaths. An Australian Air Force plane carrying relief supplies landed five days later amid criticism that aid had been too slow to arrive.
Trump’s “America First” policy: provoking adversaries and alarming allies
When U.S. president Donald Trump addressed the General Assembly in late September, he promised “to defend America’s interests above all else.”
Catching the Dragon: Challenges and prospects for U.S.-China relations
How will the erosion of American power and China’s strategic interests shape the rules and institutions of a new international system? While China’s hegemonic power has reached its zenith in
Two lessons on Asia the U.S. must heed
In determining its rebalance strategy in Asia, the US must learn from Russia’s failure and Australia’s success. Echoing George F. Kennan’s “Long Telegram” with respect to strategic foreign policy, the
What is Russia signalling by circumnavigating Japan?
Russia has circumnavigated Japan, signalling its role as a great power-player in the Asia-Pacific. During the Cuban Missile Crisis over 50 years ago, U.S. Secretary of Defense McNamara was known
Japan defence industry: Arm thy neighbour
The lifting of the ban on weapon exportation, strongly advocated by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, reflects the intention of Japan to establish important partnerships in the region. This serves to
What to take away from Obama’s trip to India
The meeting between the heads of the world’s oldest and the world’s biggest democracy proved to be more than just show as the two leaders managed to strike an accord