Tag "Abenomics"

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Economics International

5 ways inflation is defining the 2014 economy

Inflation, or lack thereof, is an important global economic indicator. Whether it is Sweden or Brazil, central bankers or policymakers, here’s a look at why inflation is so influential. 1. Europe, Japan,

Asia Pacific Economics

China territorial deadlocks hurt regional trade

Tensions between China and several East Asian countries have heated up over the last year. Is it simply another round of disputes that have occurred multiple times since 2007, or something

Asia Pacific Politics

Masuzoe new Tokyo governor, defeats anti-nuclear rivals

Despite efforts to make Tokyo’s gubernatorial election a referendum on nuclear energy, Yoichi Masuzoe won by focusing on more basic economic issues. This reflects a desire to see “Abenomics” restore

Economics International

2014: a balance between global optimism and latent risks

The World economy is on the mend, but recovery will not happen everywhere at the same pace. Here are some of the risks that will play a large role in

Asia Pacific Economics

Tokyo is passing its first TPP test with agricultural reform

The recent break by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party from the traditional partner, the agricultural lobby, and following announcements of a new agricultural policy heighten hope for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and

Economics International

Central banks rely on forward guidance

As interest rates remain low among developed economies, shaping expectations through communication is proving to be an effective monetary tool. Communicating the taper At its last monetary policy meeting, the

Asia Pacific Economics

One year in, is the honeymoon over for Abenomics?

Shinzo Abe celebrated his first year as Japanese Prime Minister in December, which also marked one year with Abenomics. For many, this will be a dismal anniversary, as the latest

Asia Pacific Politics

Fukushima amplifies Japanese energy import dependence

The Fukushima disaster demonstrates Japan’s reliance on energy imports as Tokyo shuts down its reactors and spends billions on stop-gap energy production. When Typhoon Wipha flooded Japan with heavy rains last

Asia Pacific Economics

Will Abe finally lead Japan towards labour reform?

During an interview with the Financial Times last week, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe warned that labour reforms in Japan might be delayed due to fears of strong opposition

Asia Pacific Economics

IMF urges Japan to address debt and reform economy

Recently, there has even been hope that Japan might move away from its persistent deflation, yet the IMF continues to urge Tokyo to do more. The International Monetary Fund urged