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Politics South and Central Asia

Complications Ahead for Afghanistan’s Election Reform

With the Afghan presidential election scheduled for April 2014, just three months after U.S. troops begin withdrawing from the Afghan combat mission, reforms to the previously highly flawed Afghan electoral

Europe Finance

Cyprus Bailout Process Moves Forward Despite Risks

Monitors from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Commission and the European Central Bank, collectively called the troika, visited Cyprus from July 17 until July 31 to assess the

International Natural resources and energy

The Real Reason High Oil Prices Lead to Instability

Businesses rarely gain from political instability so trying to predict unrest is a critical activity for any entity investing in a volatile corner of the world. One of the factors

Security South and Central Asia

India’s Naval Buildup Positive For Regional Commerce

On August 5, 2013 late in the night, five Indian soldiers were killed in an ambush while on patrol in the Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir. Early reports show that

Europe Finance

Financial service commission ban limits advisory market

Is commission equal to fraud? In Australia, the Netherlands and UK the answer is yes, and more countries look likely to join their ranks. Inherent to the commission system was

Economics North America

Op-Ed: Canada’s Shift to Northern ‘Development’

Investigate Canada’s shift towards ‘Northern Development’ under the Conservative government of Stephen Harper and what it means for the North. My July 13 GRI article, Effects of Liberal Economics on

International Natural resources and energy

Shale Oil Changes International Energy Trade

At the onset of the global financial crisis in the summer of 2008, with oil prices hitting $147 per barrel, no political or energy analyst considered shale oil as an

Europe Finance

The Eurozone Isn’t Quite Bailed-out Yet

According to several recent statistics, the Eurozone’s future is looking brighter than it has in a long time. Not only has Eurozone unemployment fallen for the first time in two

Politics South and Central Asia

Ramadan shows religious freedom deficit in Central Asia

The holy month of Ramadan puts in sharp relief the challenges to religious freedom by secular governments in the former Soviet Central Asian republics. Most notably, this year in Uzbekistan,

Asia Pacific Politics

Party convention changes Indonesia’s Election

With the Indonesian presidential elections less than a year away, rumours surrounding prospective candidates have already begun. Of the three big parties – Partai Demokrat (PD), Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan