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North America Politics

US Prison Industry Benefits from Immigration Reform

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder recently announced a plan to reduce the U.S. prison population by reforming the prosecution of low-level drug offenses. America has the highest incarceration rate in the world

Europe Politics

Ukraine Moves Closer to Europe

In spite of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s warnings to Ukraine that he will take “protective measures” if the country signs a trade pact with the EU, Ukraine seems to be

Asia Pacific Economics

Japan’s Currency Devaluation Causes Concern

Japan has been in an economic funk since the 1990s. It was at that time that many speculated it would overtake the U.S. as the global economic superpower rather than

Asia Pacific Security

US-Philippines Military Cooperation Ensures Trade Stability

The United States and the Philippines began negotiations last Wednesday to increase the rotational US military presence in the country. These discussions hope to secure a “framework agreement” that would

Economics Latin America

Brazil’s Trade Stuck between Mercosur and EU

Brazil, being one of the BRICs and a country that economists fantasize about after having reached the verge of depression from looking at the EU, is facing a dilemma that

Middle East/North Africa Security

Despite Recent Progress, Instability Persists in Somalia

Just one year ago, Somalia, which has weathered near-constant conflict of varying intensity since 1991, looked poised to finally emerge from the cycle of violence and economic despair. A new

Asia Pacific Economics

Japan and Vietnam strengthen ties

Following a shady past, involving Japanese imperialist expansion and controversial ties with the United States, it seems that Japan-Vietnam relations have experienced an observable improvement, especially within the past couple

Europe Politics

Russia’s Snowden Decision Obscures Economic Problems

Russia’s decision to grant temporary asylum to the NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden did not go over well in Washington. The US response to cancel the bilateral summit in September in

International Politics

Op-Ed: Boycott the Games

“If all GB athletes wore rainbow flags and Cameron turned up to the Kremlin with a rainbow tie, then that would be great,” said Anna Grigoryeva, 24, a Cambridge student

International Politics

Op-Ed: Don’t Boycott the Games

“Don’t boycott the Games.” This sentiment can be heard from several sides of the debate regarding Putin’s ban on homosexual athletes competing in Sochi at the Winter Olympics in 2014.