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International Natural resources and energy

EU takes steps toward energy independence from Russia

With recent events in Ukraine strongly affecting security relations between the West and Russia, both Brussels and Moscow are increasing efforts to reduce their mutual energy-financial dependency. European energy dependency

Economics Europe

ECB and Germany must learn to love inflation for Eurozone to grow

Even though the Eurozone is teetering on the edge of deflation, the ECB will not lower its rates. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) message to markets in the last year

Economics International

Sanctions against Russia cause greater capital inflows to Brazil

The Russian Federation’s actions in the Crimea continue to reverberate throughout the world. Far away from Eastern Europe, even Brazil is likely to feel the effects of Russian choices as short-term

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

Part III of IV: Why Indonesia needs further energy subsidy reform

The Indonesian government has been hesitant to cut subsidies out of fear of public unrest and political backlash. As domestic energy demand continues its historic growth, however, the economic cost

Latin America Politics

Latin American sees rising public discontent

In most Latin American countries, people are taking to the streets to protest against their governments for a variety of issues. If public services and governance indicators do not improve,

Politics South and Central Asia

India’s nuclear energy future at risk in elections

As Indian voters go to the polls this month, the choices they make in the voting booth will mark the future of nuclear energy in India. The young Aam Aadmi Party

Finance North America

FATCA a big leap in tax enforcement

The US pushes to strengthen tax enforcement with an act set to come into force this July. The benefits are clear, but it remains to be seen how the costs of the

Asia Pacific Economics

Abenomics goes ‘all in’ with April tax hike

While March’s wage hike by Japan came as a bright spot amidst growing concern over Abenomics, will April’s 3 percentage point tax hike rain on Abe’s parade? Since sweeping back

Asia Pacific Economics

Indonesia latest emerging market to reject investment treaties

Jakarta’s turn-around is only the latest in a growing chorus of opposition to bilateral investment treaties, meant to attract foreign investors by solidifying FDI protection at the price of curtailing sovereign policy space.

Asia Pacific Finance

China’s internet banking faces tightened regulations

China’s central bank is considering regulations that would curb the development of China’s internet banking innovation. Facing rising domestic financial risks, Chinese policy makers seem to be liberalizing the financial