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Middle East/North Africa Security

Fighting ISIS may not be the core of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition of 34 countries announced on Tuesday seems to represent a real change in the country’s foreign policy; however several factors lead to think it is another

Europe Security

The Cost of Terror in Brussels

Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the European Union, is experiencing some immediate economic effects resulting from recent terror threats in 2015. This city’s experience may prove to be a

North America Security

The Pentagon’s New Nuclear Gravity Bomb

Despite its advertisement as a low-yield, lower-risk alternative to existing missile models, the recently tested B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb presents several risks that may in fact elevate the threat of

Asia Pacific Security

North Korea nuclear test blasts ties with China

North Korea’s latest nuclear test not only riles the West, but has severly damaged ties with Beijing: China’s response will be telling for future ties. North Korea’s latest announcement concerning

Asia Pacific Security

How China is reforming its military

After months of discussion, President Xi has finally launched the expected reform of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), saluted as one of the most radical and at the same time

Asia Pacific Security

India and Japan: Shaping a new strategic partnership

India and Japan have recently unveiled a series of important initiatives, strengthening their mutual cooperation on important issues such as defense technology, nuclear energy and freedom of navigation. However, the

North America Security

The United States’ vulnerabilities to terrorism

Is watching over your shoulder here to stay? GRI looks at America’s vulnerabilities to terrorism post-San Bernardino. A lot has happened these past weeks to American vulnerabilities which have taken

Security Sub-Saharan Africa

Can Kenya’s security keep up with trade?

As economic stakes are raised, terrorism and nonproliferation require political focus and follow-through. Fortunately there are signs that promote hope for the future, and Kenya is not alone in the process.

Europe Security

The Nuclear Implications of Turkey-Russia Tensions

Turkey’s downing of a Russian aircraft presents the threat of economic and geopolitical consequences for both nations. Among these consequences, the potential cancellation of a nuclear power agreement poses a feasible

North America Security

Encryption access debate escalates in wake of San Bernardino attacks

In spite of calls for increased access for security services in the US after the San Bernardino attack on December 2, the use of encrypted technologies under current regulations is