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Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

Nigeria becomes Africa’s largest economy after GDP revision

Nigeria has begun using a new base year for its GDP calculations and has added new sectors to the economy. The change in calculation has nearly doubled its GDP estimate for

Economics Europe

Hungary’s ‘Orbanomics’ mean instability for foreign firms

Foreign investors and businesses will remain under pressure for another four years as Hungary’s right-wing party, Fidesz, secures a legislative supermajority for a second-term. In the past term (2010-2014), Hungarian

Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

Is Somaliland a model for regional development?

Somaliland is a thriving and relatively stable part of a region plagued by crime and political violence and offers many investment opportunities. Could the breakaway region become a blueprint for

Economics International

At 50 years UNCTAD struggles to stay relevant

UNCTAD has been essential to setting the economic agenda of developing countries for much of the past half century. Yet, in the face of globalization and difficulties in consensus-building, it

Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

Part IV of IV: Nigeria’s failed attempt at subsidy reform

This final part in the GRI Series on energy subsidies examines Nigeria’s attempt at reform, and why it went wrong. Gradual adjustment and decision transparency are key elements of success.

Economics Europe

ECB and Germany must learn to love inflation for Eurozone to grow

Even though the Eurozone is teetering on the edge of deflation, the ECB will not lower its rates. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) message to markets in the last year

Economics International

Sanctions against Russia cause greater capital inflows to Brazil

The Russian Federation’s actions in the Crimea continue to reverberate throughout the world. Far away from Eastern Europe, even Brazil is likely to feel the effects of Russian choices as short-term

Asia Pacific Economics

Abenomics goes ‘all in’ with April tax hike

While March’s wage hike by Japan came as a bright spot amidst growing concern over Abenomics, will April’s 3 percentage point tax hike rain on Abe’s parade? Since sweeping back

Asia Pacific Economics

Indonesia latest emerging market to reject investment treaties

Jakarta’s turn-around is only the latest in a growing chorus of opposition to bilateral investment treaties, meant to attract foreign investors by solidifying FDI protection at the price of curtailing sovereign policy space.

Economics South and Central Asia

Tamil Nadu awaits economic boost from investment

The southern state of Tamil Nadu, traditionally one of India’s strongest economic performers, had a trying year in 2013. New infrastructure projects and greater government transparency could generate significant economic