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Asia Pacific Politics

Abe’s Yasakuni trip was a successful political gamble

The visit of Japanese prime minister Abe to the Yasakuni Shrine fueled tensions between Japan and its neighbors, drawing harsh rebuke for the glorification of militarism and a lack of

Asia Pacific Politics

Is 60 years of civil war coming to an end in Myanmar?

Myanmar President Thein Sein aims to silence the guns of the civil war that devastates the country’s economic potential. However, until the military is under government control, such hopes seem

Asia Pacific Security

Expect the unexpected from North Korea

News coming from North Korea, including domestic purges and nuclear development, is once again causing concern in the region. The world has, for better or for worse, grown rather accustomed

Asia Pacific Politics

Has Thailand lost faith in its democracy?

Thailand has experienced a surge of anti-government protests that could ultimately threaten the country’s democratic system. In a region characterized by autocratic and repressive governments, Thailand has been a rare

Asia Pacific Finance

China expands its OTC market allowing SMEs to raise capital

China’s latest financial regulation has made it easier for small-medium enterprises to list on its over-the-counter market and raise capital. Seven years after the establishment of its over-the-counter (OTC) market,

Asia Pacific Economics

Tokyo is passing its first TPP test with agricultural reform

The recent break by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party from the traditional partner, the agricultural lobby, and following announcements of a new agricultural policy heighten hope for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and

Asia Pacific Politics

Will demographics cause China to slow down?

Since the Third Plenum, China has been preoccupied with ongoing changes to its demographics. As much of Asia’s miracle growth has been attributed to demographics, changes to the composition of

Asia Pacific Economics

One year in, is the honeymoon over for Abenomics?

Shinzo Abe celebrated his first year as Japanese Prime Minister in December, which also marked one year with Abenomics. For many, this will be a dismal anniversary, as the latest

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

Has India lost the bid for Sri Lanka’s hydrocarbons?

There have been signs of natural gas and oil reserves off the coast of Sri Lanka since the 1970s. However, a prolonged, bloody civil war lead to a halt in

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

India moves on long-term plans for Arctic investment

This year, India experienced economic turmoil that highlighted several obstacles to long-term growth. The rupee crash and slowed economic growth have led some to question whether the world’s largest democracy can