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International Latin America

Will the CICIG secure Guatemala’s future?

The UN-backed International Commission was created to investigate and prosecute criminal networks that operate in Guatamela. After three extensions, the main concern is how the CICIG’s achievements and objectives can

Europe Finance

How likely is the Greek bailout strategy to succeed?

The biggest problem facing the Eurozone may be too late to avoid: a Greek exit from the Euro. While both sides are unprepared and unwilling to accept this worst-case scenario, hope still remains

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

With Ebola epidemic and political instability, Guinea faces an economic disaster

Violent anti-government protests occurred last week in Conakry over insecurity and the electoral timetable. With rising political instability and the Ebola epidemic yet to be contained, Guinea is facing an

Economics Europe

Regulations discourage foreign pharma in Russia

The Russian pharmaceutical market is one of the country’s more dynamic industries, having consistently outperformed national GDP growth rates. An analysis of the pharma market, however, suggests that regulatory obstacles are

Europe Security

Nordic Defense Cooperation to counter Russian threat

The five Nordic defense ministers announced last week the beginning of extensive military cooperation between their countries, arguing that Russia is currently the biggest threat to European security. In a declaration published

Economics International

Implications of the secular stagnation debate

Bernanke and Summers debate about secular stagnation as American and EU monetary policies diverge, testing their hypotheses. Former Chair of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke is finally speaking out on

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

How water is critical to a lasting Middle East peace

While agricultural output in Palestinian territories is a key driver of the domestic economy, uncertainties revolving around water supply and allocations by Israel continue to weaken economic prospects.  With the recent

Asia Pacific Economics

The geopolitical implications of North Korean mineral reserves

The recent discovery of rare earth mineral reserves in North Korea has the potential to redefine the country’s long-term prospects and radically alter geopolitics within the region. Thinking about the North

International Natural resources and energy

Falkland Islands status reignites UK-Argentina tensions

UK-Argentine tensions have risen as London plans to bolster military presence in the South Atlantic. British energy discoveries in the region and intelligence leaks are heating up the dispute over the

Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Petrobras releases audited financials. EU prepares Google antitrust case. US Senate considers new legislation. Eurozone and Greece get ready for Riga meeting. Oil companies and associated government officials meet to