Tag "oil crisis"

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Middle East/North Africa Politics

Public Sector Reform: A Way Forward for Iraq?

The public sector in Iraq accounts for the majority of employment in the oil-rich country. Plummeting oil prices and the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in economic crisis and an ever increasing budget deficit. Where there is crisis however, there is opportunity: will 2021 bring a much needed reform of the public sector in Iraq? 

Middle East/North Africa Politics Special Reports

Is a new civil war looming over Algeria?

The bleak economic situation of Algeria increases the country’s political risk outlook in the coming years

Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

China deal will not solve Nigeria’s problems

Nigeria secured 6 billion USD worth of investments from China, but short-term economic gains are hurting long-term parity of the relationship.

International Natural resources and energy

Saudi-Russian deal not a quick fix for the oil crisis

The recent deal struck between Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Venezuela to prop up oil prices by freezing production levels at January levels might have a psychological effect on oil