Tag "Xi Jinping"
Concern for the planet, or a statement that the US is back? Biden’s virtual summit puts the ball in Xi’s court, as the US reclaims a leading role on international climate action
President Biden has shown his intent to restate the US as global leaders on climate change as he hosted a virtual summit on 22-23 April, encouraging states to build on their climate pledges. It has been hailed as a major success, uniting leading countries in climate action. However, the summit has sparked debate regarding climate politics. As competition between the US and China reaches its zenith, climate change remains one of the few areas left for them to cooperate on. Whether climate action will lead to healthy competition or conflict will depend on a range of factors over the next decade.
What role does North Korea play in Chinese strategy?
A week after the summit between Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un ended, the steady drumbeat of analysis goes on. Much of the discussion has focused on what North Korea gained from the meeting.
Chinese economic interests and the threat to EU cohesion
Today, some of Europe’s poorest countries are critical to China’s global economic development strategy. Under the 16+1 sub-regional framework, which includes eleven countries from central and eastern Europe and five from the Balkans (CEEC), China is pursuing investment opportunities in infrastructure in order to enhance its connectivity with the European region.
OZY+GRI: Can Emperor Yuan dethrone King Dollar as the world’s currency?
In 2018, China could seek to dethrone King Dollar by forcing yuan-denomination of specific commodities, marking a cataclysmic shift in the world financial order that’s been in place since World War II.
Trump’s short-sighted stance on Iran leaves door open for China
Trump’s refusal to re-certify the JCPOA nuclear deal is likely to push Iran closer to China, which has become a major Iranian trading partner.
What Xi’s report to the 19th Party Congress tells us about a more assertive China
The 19th Party Congress offers valuable insight into the foundation, new direction, and priorities of Chinese policy for the next five years.
Trump’s “America First” policy: provoking adversaries and alarming allies
When U.S. president Donald Trump addressed the General Assembly in late September, he promised “to defend America’s interests above all else.”
Special Report: Seven things to watch at China’s 19th Party Congress
The lead-up to China’s 19th Party Congress has been filled with uncertainty. GRI presents this guide of what to watch for during the coming weeks.
The impact of Chinese investments in Malaysia
For countries like Malaysia, chinese investments in infrastructure offer clear benefits but also come with costs, both economic and strategic.
Water wars: China’s new weapon against India
With border tensions continuing near Pangong Lake, China has fashioned a powerful weapon in the form of water to undermine Indian territory.