Tag "Venezuela"

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Latin America Politics

President Maduro focuses on elections, not economy

President Nicolas Maduro has gained special powers to fight Venezuela’s economic woes. However, things are unlikely to improve under the tense political atmosphere. On November 19th, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Latin America Politics

Venezuela’s President Maduro seeks greater autonomy

After six months as president, Hugo Chávez’s handpicked successor, Nicolás Maduro, has made an official request to parliament to rule by decree. The President has spoken out against the corruption

Latin America Politics

Ecuador’s Snowden Rhetoric Displays Leftist Solidarity

On 27 June, 2013, Ecuador’s Communications Secretary, Fernando Alvarado, announced the decision to “reversibly” revoke the renewal of the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPA), a 1991 trade

Latin America Politics

Will Venezuela’s crisis become Brazil’s opportunity?

Will the crisis in Venezuela act as an opportunity for Brazil to re-assert regional leadership and work to assuage fears about Venezuela’s direction? The situation in Venezuela following the election

Latin America Politics

Reasons for optimism in Venezuela

With Hugo Chavez’s death, there are hopes that the excesses of Chavismo will be rolled back, as Venezuela needs to tackle its systemic economic problems. It is easy to get