Tag "VAT"
Middle East/North Africa
What challenges lie ahead for Egypt’s economic reforms?
As Egypt prepares to receive the second tranche of a $12 billion IMF loan, the country is facing continued political and economic challenges.
South and Central Asia
Questions remain for India’s Goods and Services Tax (GST)
As the planned implementation date for India’s potentially game-changing Goods and Services Tax (GST) moves closer, important issues still need resolving.
Latin America
Long road to economic recovery in Puerto Rico
Economic recession and high unemployment rates has left Puerto Rico, known as the “Greece of the Caribbean”, to find other means to generate revenue. In recent years, Puerto Rico has
South and Central Asia
Modi’s tax reform: Revolution by attrition
For companies looking to tap into one of the world’s largest consumer bases, it’s no secret that tax in India has long been a concerning grey area, and has served