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International The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead: 26 November – 2 December

South Korea interest rates. OPEC meets in Austria. Irish border questions derail Brexit talks. Senate considers tax bill. All in The Week Ahead. 

Latin America Security

The real risks to the US come from Mexico’s southern border

Trump’s actions are likely to aggravate security problems originating on Mexico’s southern border with Central America.

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy Security

Risk of US-China showdown hangs over South China Sea

While all eyes are on North Korea, the shadow of a more traditional big-power conflict between the United States and China hangs over the South China Sea.

Asia Pacific Politics

Can Trump reverse Thailand’s drift towards China?

By emphasizing “America First,” Trump has been able to reengage Thai military leaders. But will this be enough to turn back Thailand’s closeness to China?

Economics North America

Trump isn’t the only factor that could derail NAFTA

Late-2018 presidential elections in Mexico and congressional elections in the United States could jeopardize the future of NAFTA.

Latin America Natural resources and energy

Russia’s growing influence in Venezuela is part of a wider strategy

Russia’s investments in Venezuela show that the Kremlin stands ready to make strategic gains from America’s growing insularity.

North America Security

The one thing that could make Trump move on gun control

In the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, there will be renewed calls for tighter gun control in the US. A ban on assault weapons, longer waiting periods,

Europe Security

Sweden’s air-defense system is due for a major upgrade

Sweden’s outdated air-defense system spurs fierce competition over a billion-dollar contract, signaling growing security concerns.

Europe Politics

The dangers of Europe’s failure to defend democracy

Europe is increasingly holding back when faced with clear violators of democratic norms, from the far-flung DRC to neighbouring countries like Turkey. The ramifications end up jeopardising Europe’s own security. Earlier

Debate Corner Middle East/North Africa

Is the referendum on Kurdish independence a spark in a powder keg?

GRI Debate: Will the independence referendum in Kurdistan further destabilize Iraq and the region? Kurdish authorities announced on Wednesday that Iraqi Kurds overwhelmingly voted in favour of a split from Iraq,