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Europe Politics

Brexit: a political earthquake in the UK

Brexit vote leads to enhanced uncertainty among British political parties as all formation scramble to enact new policies and formulate future positions


Brexit brings change for Britain’s governing Conservative Party

The governing Conservative Party, rattled by Brexit, faces new leadership from October onwards, and a spectacular shuffle of power within the Party.


Brexit: What to expect after the EU-UK membership vote

The day after the EU-UK referendum, leaders will attempt to control political risks of a different nature, depending on the outcome.

Europe Politics

Yes or No, Brexit has already changed the UK

With the Brexit referendum less than a month away, the UK has already been changed by the debate.

Economics Europe

EU policy towards Russia increases Euroscepticism

The EU policy toward Russia and Ukraine is increasing Euroscepticism within national electorates.

Europe Politics

London’s mayoral race descends into typecasting

The London 2016 mayoral election has descended into personal attacks and identity politics, worrying for a position to lead a global city.

Economics Europe

The Political Risks of a ‘remain’ Brexit vote for the Conservative Party

David Cameron’s gamble to call a referendum on Britain’s EU membership may seem to have succeeded if the outcome will go against a Brexit. The reality will be more unpredictable,

Europe Politics

Is the Euroskeptics’ boon, investors’ bane?

The formation of ‘Europe of Nations and Freedoms’, another anti-EU bloc in the European Parliament, will give Euroskeptics a stronger voice at the supranational level. However, doubts remain on the

Europe Politics

Is the ‘Brexit’ scenario all talk?

While independence from the EU made for a good Conservative party campaign promise, the uncertainty and economic harm of a British exit, or ‘Brexit,” make the scenario unlikely.  On May

Europe Politics

British political parties ranked according to power

With UK parliamentary elections just around the corner on May 7, the Prime Minister’s office is still up for grabs. That does not mean that each party is equally in