Tag "Syria"

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Economics International

Only economic power can save Russia

In some ways, Russia seems to be drifting further away from the rest of the world, especially after a 6-month extension of European Union sanctions. Russia will have to tread carefully

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Did Russia pave the way for peace in Syria?

As the conflict in Syria stretches on, the UN Security Council has tried to come up with a solution for peace. Now many are trying to decipher Russia’s recent intervention,

International Politics

GRI’s 2015 Person of the Year in Political Risk

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is Global Risk Insights Person of the Year in Political Risk 2015. Like our 2014 GRI Person of the year Indian Prime Minister Narendra

International Security

David Cameron’s calculated gamble in Syria

In deciding to extend the aerial campaign against Islamic State across the Iraqi-Syrian border, David Cameron’s government has thrown its weight behind the US-led strategy of containment. The hope is

International Security

What is the economic cost of terrorism?

Terrorist attacks have the potential to gravely impact economic markets. The attacks in Paris and the downing of the Russian jet in Egypt raise questions as to how markets respond

Economics Europe

Russia could suffer economic blowback from Syria intervention

Russia’s domestic economy risks a further blow from the ongoing military operation in Syria. Already damaged by low oil prices, capital flight, inflation and western sanctions, Russia’s domestic economy risks

International Security

Opinion: Putin’s political calculus in Syria harms Russian interests

In precluding cooperation with NATO in the pursuit of a number of narrow and limited benefits, Putin is missing the greater benefits of what Russia could achieve by working with,

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

Risks of Climate Change in MENA

Climate change poses grave macroeconomic risks for nations and regional financial firms in MENA. Greater investment in sustainable infrastructure and awareness of climate issues will be imperative to mitigate the

Middle East/North Africa Security

Three hard lessons for Syria from Lebanon’s civil war

While the prospect of all-out war in Lebanon is unlikely, the country’s own experience might draw some important lessons on how Syria’s conflict may eventually end. A day before the

Middle East/North Africa Security

Are Turkey and Russia headed for confrontation?

Turkey shoots down a Russian fighter jet. Sam Leonard explores what this means for the future of Turkish-Russian relations in this GRI Guest Post.  The news this morning that Turkey