Tag "SWOT analysis"

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North America Technology and infrastructure

GM’s risk management failures provide lessons for other firms

Strategic fails afford valuable lessons. There is something to be learned from the spectacular recent failure of General Motors’ once highly-touted enterprise risk management program. In 2012, G. Mustafa Mohatarem,

Economics International

Is risk management a part of competitive advantage?

Competitive advantage is dead!  Long live competitive advantage! GRI continues its series on risk management Several previous posts argue that strategic risk management creates value for a corporation by operating within


Companies fail to see risk management as competitive advantage

Risk management is an important strategic function of management, yet most companies fail to see its benefits and focus on short-term costs. The financial crisis provides an opportunity to integrate

International Politics

Why companies need political risk analysis

Risk analysis is a fundamental, often underestimated, strategic function of business management. Risk analysis should not be an alien concept to anyone with more than an undergraduate education in business.