Tag "Supply chain"

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Economics Future Generator

Future Generator: Media Sentiment Trending Positive in Ukraine

The ‘Future Generator’ is a highly unique and cutting-edge approach to forecasting ‘media sentiment’, developed by a partnership between Global Risk Insights (GRI) and Ethnographic Edge (EE). The aim of

International Natural resources and energy

SEC implements ‘conflict mineral’ rule

The U.S. SEC’s ‘conflict mineral rule’ now requires companies to disclose their use of conflict minerals that originated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or an adjoining country. The rule

Economics International

Complex supply chains put businesses at risk

The last few decades have seen a huge growth in the complexity and geographical spread of supply chains. Yet, as consumer awareness of supply issues increases so does the risk

International Natural resources and energy

Forget finance: Agribusiness risks could reap greater rewards

The agribusiness sector offers investors greater risks and rewards than the financial sector: take a look for yourself. Imagine a decentralized global industry, historically important to the political and economic

International Natural resources and energy

Risky Business: Addressing Agriculture Supply Chains

A study published in 2011 by The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City stated: Strong global food demand and robust biofuels markets have strained the current production capabilities of global