Tag "Spain"

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International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Peru’s president faces reality. MSCI announces redesignation. Spain readies for elections. Kenyan opposition marches. Economic Forum shows political shifts.

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Deadline to form Spanish government hits. Indiana primary will be decisive. Cameron speaks to Commons re Brexit. UK elections test Labour strength.

Europe Security

Terrorism in Europe has actually decreased

Events in Brussels and Paris have not cost Europe its innocence. Indeed more people died from terrorism in Europe between 1970-1986 than from 2000-2016. After the attacks in Brussels and

Europe Politics

With March 4 Cortes vote set to fail, Spain may have run out of coalition options

Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez is trying to secure enough support to win a vote in the Spanish parliament on March 4 and form a left of centre coalition government. However,

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

U.S. primaries could make some unbeatable. Spanish leader seeks to form government. Brazil reports GDP. China makes 5-year goals. Brexit debate begins. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Super Tuesday primaries could make Hillary Clinton and Donald

Europe Politics

What to expect in Europe in 2016

In addition to the continuation of current crises, Europe will face new matters of contention in 2016. Nationalism and fragmentation within the EU will keep growing, including on the Brexit

Europe Politics

Inconclusive elections in Spain threaten Europe’s political establishment

A divided election in Spain has left the main parties exploring coalition options. Instability and a return to the polls in the Spring are the most likely outcomes, unless tough

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

US Fed to raise rates. WTO meets in Kenya. Mexico announces auction winners. Summit on terrorism financing. Spanish elections’ outcome politically dangerous. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Federal Reserve Likely to Raise Interest Rates for

Europe Politics

Rise of radical parties challenges eurozone efficiency

In recent years, the new radical right’s political discourse has attracted voters across Europe and experienced a substantial increase in electoral support. Unlike radical right parties throughout history, the ‘new’ radical

Europe Politics

Will Greek anti-austerity affect Spain’s many elections in 2015?

Spain faces a year fraught with political uncertainty and potential institutional upheaval. A spate of elections are scheduled to take place throughout the year and will test the country’s ability to maintain