Tag "Silk Road"
Chinese economic interests and the threat to EU cohesion
Today, some of Europe’s poorest countries are critical to China’s global economic development strategy. Under the 16+1 sub-regional framework, which includes eleven countries from central and eastern Europe and five from the Balkans (CEEC), China is pursuing investment opportunities in infrastructure in order to enhance its connectivity with the European region.
Sikkim and the Silk Road: Is China making a move on India?
The Belt and Road initiative continues to cause tension between India and China, as China builds closer ties with India’s neighbours on all sides.
2017 Preview: Despite Trump and Brexit, opportunities for trade persist
Brexit and Trump’s win do not bode well for global trade in 2017. Yet China and other emerging markets may benefit from anti-globalization in the West.
China in Europe: reshaping trade relations with Central Eastern Europe
China, who has been systematically and intentionally bypassed by the most important regional trade agreements, is now making history by building its way into the Western markets. For China, Central
Is Iran still a siren call for Western economic investment?
The Iranian economy is set for an economic boom, with global powers reinvesting in its industries. However, the US sanctions remain a great deterrent for European and Asian investors. Image
The Silk Road is turning China’s diplomacy on its head
While China has traditionally refused to become involved in countries’ domestic affairs, its Silk Road ambitions are challenging Beijing’s policy.
Kazakhstan and the Oil Investment Deal: Implications for Trans-Asiatic Trade
A major investment in Kazakhstan’s oil industry is bringing new opportunities to the vital Central Asian nation—but with risks for its trade with Asia.
Russia lacks economic clout in tentative pivot to Asia
Russia needs to have a stronger economic proposal as to how it can add value to the east Asia region in the long-term.
Why is Central Asia dumping Russia for China?
Central Asia has long been stuck between a rock and hard place in terms of its geopolitical environment. A faltering Russia is leaving China the only game in town, and Central Asia is hitching its wagon to Beijing.
China’s growing deserts a major political risk
As desertification in China increases and government efforts to stop the sand’s advance falter, serious political risks are emerging from hub to hinterland. When most people think of China’s landscape,