Tag "Schengen"

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Europe Politics

Serbian visas as diplomacy

Serbia has ensured that its passport holders have visa-free access to a wide range of countries, from Belarus to Indonesia. Many new visa waiver agreements have been signed in the past 5 years, but the most recent agreement, with Iran, was cancelled after one year alone. The failure of the Iran agreement highlights the unique role that visas play in Serbian diplomacy.

Europe Politics

France’s 2017 elections present major risks for economy and Europe

France’s turbulent political situation and weakened economy highlight deep fractures within the national and European socio-political classes. A guest post by Nicolas Tenzer, Chairman of the Center for Study and

Europe Politics

In trying to curb immigration, Sweden and Denmark risk trade ties

Trying to crack down on illegal immigration, Sweden and Denmark recently imposed border checks. But unpredictable border management modifications around the EU bear the risk of obstructing the ease of

Europe Politics

What to expect in Europe in 2016

In addition to the continuation of current crises, Europe will face new matters of contention in 2016. Nationalism and fragmentation within the EU will keep growing, including on the Brexit

Europe Politics

Looking back at major challenges to the EU in 2015

In 2015, the EU was faced with a set of unprecedented crises that shook it to its core. This situation offers an opportunity for public and private actors to implement

Europe Security

Four political risks following the terror attacks in Paris

The tragic terror attacks in Paris on November 13th bring simmering local and regional political risks to a boil.  When calling Friday’s terrorist attacks in the French capital an act

Economics Europe

Would a ‘Yes Vote’ deny Scotland EU membership?

EU member states with their own separatist movements may balk at allowing an independent Scotland to join the EU, which would have major implications for trade and universities. EU Commission

Economics Europe

Readmission deal renews hope between EU and Turkey

The signing of the readmission agreement and the initiation of the visa liberalization dialogue between Turkey and the EU may open the road to further economic integration. On 16 December

Europe Politics

Croatia Prepares for EU Accession

Clearing customs for travelers crossing the land border into Croatia has been more intense this past month, featuring random bag searches and thorough questioning of passengers on trains and buses.