Tag "Saudi Arabia"

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Middle East/North Africa Politics

Women rise up in the Middle East

As the world focuses on the region’s violent geopolitical struggles, a quiet revolution is taking place. The women of the Middle East are making remarkable gains in politics and businesses.

Economics Middle East/North Africa

Saudi Arabia’s leadership faces coming crises

A shifting geopolitical environment in the Middle East and continued low oil prices will present a significant challenge for Saudi Arabia’s leadership. Saudi Arabia is facing financial challenges which, over

Middle East/North Africa Politics

What does the Iran nuclear deal mean for the GCC?

The recently struck Iranian nuclear deal poses tough questions and considerations for members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, who will work to preserve their influence in the Gulf and broader Middle

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Hamas struggles to cope with regional and internal challenges

Hamas is experiencing internal divisions and external threats as the organization struggles to adjust to rapidly shifting geopolitical dynamics in the region. On July 1, Wilayat Sinai, a local affiliate

Economics International

Not all about Greece: Underappreciated economic stories of 2015

Greece and the US Federal Reserve have dominated economic headlines for the first half of the year, but several other economic stories of 2015 will have major long-term impacts. Will

Finance Middle East/North Africa

Saudi Arabia: An Emerging Frontier?

Saudi Arabia has a solid economic track record and is taking steps to become more included in global financial markets. This includes the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Emerging Markets

Middle East/North Africa Security

Will Saudi Arabia join Iran in a nuclear weapons race?

U.S. President Obama is actively pushing for a deal with Iran that would allow it to maintain a limited nuclear programme. America’s allies in the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia,

International Politics

Weekly Risk Outlook

African Union leaders summit in Johannesburg. Saudi Arabia opens stock exchange to direct foreign investment. Federal Reserve sets policy rates, though they admit a hike not likely until possibly September. EU to release

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Will Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood harm its Western backing?

Qatar’s intrepid foreign policy has led to isolation among their traditional Arab Gulf allies such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Will the wealthy kingdom find a way to protect

International Natural resources and energy

OPEC losing its ability to set global oil prices

The June OPEC meeting should not bring too many surprises, as the cartel’s unofficial leader, Saudi Arabia, will not support production cuts in order to boost falling prices, but will