Tag "Republican Party United States"

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North America Politics

America at a Crossroads: Split Strategies in the Republican Party As They Wrestle with the Future of Trumpism

The Trump presidency was a stress test on US democratic institutions, exemplified by the insurrection in Washington over the presidential transition. While it may appear that America sits at a

Natural resources and energy North America

Risk to Arctic Energy Exploration

Arctic Exploration remains an exciting prospect for many in the energy sector. According to estimates, the Arctic could be one of the greatest untapped reserves of energy resources in the world. However exciting the proposition of tapping these resources may seem, it is an extremely expensive proposition. 

North America Politics

Opinion: Speaker Paul Ryan: Policy wonk or ideologue?

Since his appointment as Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan has seen the media heap an abundance of praise and hope on him as the policy wonk who will unite

North America Politics

Why the US Shutdown May Actually Mean Bigger Government

It sounds like the kind of lofty thought experiment that academics would ponder: What happens if the U.S. government shuts down? The event is full of paradoxes. On the one