Tag "pink tide"

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Latin America Natural resources and energy

Bolivia’s new mining laws and the future of private investment

New mining laws in Bolivia may give La Paz more control over mining, but rising expenditures and low oil may force it to open up new opportunities for investors.

Latin America Politics

The Question of Latin America and OECD Membership

Middile-income Latin American countries face different challenges than their Western counterparts. Does OECD membership still make sense for these nations?

Economics Latin America

New push for competition policy in Latin America

Latin America has a chance to reap the benefits of competition policy and anti-trust regulation for economic development and regional integration.

Economics Latin America

What is next for Latin America’s middle class?

In the aftermath of leftist rule and a commodity boom, Latin American governments now face risks that threaten a still-fragile middle class.

Latin America Politics

The receding of the Pink Tide in Latin America

The populist left-wing parties are rapidly losing ground in Latin America, but is it good news?

Latin America Power Brokers

Mauricio Macri: A reformer in the making

With his economic reforms, Argentinian President Mauricio Macri will reposition Argentina more competitively in the global economy.