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Economics Europe

Ukraine crisis makes Russia look east

After Western leaders talked last week about penalizing Russia further, President Vladimir Putin asked for a diplomatic resolution on the Ukraine crisis. Yet, a Russian move towards ‘Eastern allies’ is still on the table.

Natural resources and energy Sub-Saharan Africa

Foreign investment in Equatorial Guinea resilient despite corruption

Equatorial Guinea has rich energy reserves, and despite corruption and political instability foreign investment has continued. Proposed plans to diversify the economy could create new investment opportunities. A recent indictment of the president’s eldest

Europe Natural resources and energy

Lack of energy sector reform holds back Russian economy

Russia remains a leading worldwide energy exporter, but its energy sector remains a laggard in desperate need of modernization. Governmental corruption and a restricted domestic market both stand in the

Natural resources and energy South and Central Asia

5 energy problems confronting India

India is the world’s fourth largest energy consumer. Its energy needs continue to increase, but national energy shortages and an inadequate energy infrastructure could perpetuate national energy poverty. On March

Europe Natural resources and energy

Energy sector strongly affected by Ukraine crisis

With events rapidly unfolding, energy comes to the forefront in the East-West conflict over Ukraine.  The past weeks in Ukraine have once again shown a close correlation between extreme political

Europe Politics

Crimea referendum shows shift in Western-Russian relations

Crimeans vote on whether they want to stay part of Ukraine or join the Russian Federation this weekend. Regardless of the outcome, which Western leaders have already decried as illegitimate,

Economics Middle East/North Africa

Is there any hope left for Libya?

Since the fall of Qaddafi, Libya has continuously fallen victim to armed militias and political deadlock, weakening its economy and eroding public trust in the new government. Diversification is key

International Natural resources and energy

Arctic extraction sees huge potential, high risks

Massive petroleum and mineral reserves in the Arctic region are gradually becoming accessible due to climate change. However, companies face high risks as a result of large investment and operational

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

Guebuza controls Mozambique as Frelimo picks nominee

After several tense months of political infighting, the ruling Frelimo party of Mozambique finally selected Defense Minister Filipe Jacinto Nyussi as nominee for president. Nyussi’s choice virtually guarantees President Guebuza’s influence

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

Pipeline to Turkey intensifies dispute over Iraqi oil

Tension between the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi central government once again escalated as a new pipeline links oil fields in Northern Iraq directly to Turkey. Turkey has