Tag "National Security Agency"
Russia’s Snowden Decision Obscures Economic Problems
Russia’s decision to grant temporary asylum to the NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden did not go over well in Washington. The US response to cancel the bilateral summit in September in
Will Snowden Affair Derail EU-US Free Trade Talks?
The latest revelations made by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden that US security agencies are actively involved in electronic surveillance of European phone and internet traffic cast another shadow on the
Ecuador’s Snowden Rhetoric Displays Leftist Solidarity
On 27 June, 2013, Ecuador’s Communications Secretary, Fernando Alvarado, announced the decision to “reversibly” revoke the renewal of the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPA), a 1991 trade
Snowden in Self-made Passport Limbo
Every once in a while a story arises in the news that requires some theorising to contextualise its importance; Edward Snowden’s story is such an example. Snowden is the (in)famous