Tag "Kurds"

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Middle East/North Africa Security

Team Obama’s Low-Risk, High-reward Move in Syria

Contrary to critics, Obama’s decision to deploy Special Operations troops to Syria is neither a giant step forward into a quagmire, nor a meaningless symbolic gesture. In fact, as far

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Women rise up in the Middle East

As the world focuses on the region’s violent geopolitical struggles, a quiet revolution is taking place. The women of the Middle East are making remarkable gains in politics and businesses.

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

OPEC ‘no-cut’ decision adds to Middle East divide

OPEC’s recent decision to not to cut oil production and instead maintain low prices is having a ripple effect across the Middle East. While countries with rich oil reserves are

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Turkey has much to lose in Kobani

With the Islamic State’s insurgency in Kobani still raging economic fallout in Turkey has already begun. The Turkish state is making significant unforced errors, with damaging long-term consequences for its