Tag "Jerusalem"
Religious Riots in Jerusalem: Reignited Tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Months of quiet intermission in the rivalry between Israel and Palestine ends as new tensions emerge between the feuding states, ranging from riots in Jerusalem caused by religious extremists to exchanges of missiles over the Gaza Strip. These latest clashes in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict represent the frailty in their relationship, serving as a reminder that even when tensions appear to be low for a time, hostilities can be triggered and reignited at any time. Further underlined by the particularly long period of time that these states have been rivals, it is left unanswered when, and even if, the conflict will ever be firmly resolved.
Will the latest Israeli-Palestinian confrontations escalate further?
More than 100 Palestinian protesters were killed by Israeli armed forces in a recent confrontation at the border. What is the risk of these clashes escalating further in both scale and intensity?
Why the US won’t lose Middle East allies over Trump’s Jerusalem move
US allies in the Middle East now see Iran as the primary threat, and might be willing to accept a lesser deal on Palestine in order to gain Israeli support.
Militant violence negatively impacts business in the West Bank, Israel unaffected
The current wave of militant violence across Israel and the West Bank mainly negatively affects business in the West Bank, while major strategic projects remain generally unhindered in Israel. A
Israel’s 99 Problems
Israel is facing what may be its most politically tumultuous period in years. What can we expect from Benjamin Netanyahu following the tornado of international events that threaten the status
Three business risks from Israel’s current wave of violence
The wave of attacks that have been marring the security environment of Israel and the West Bank since early October have raised fears over the potential deterioration of the Israeli
Four factors to watch in Israel’s economy after the Gaza conflict
Israel’s tourism and retail market has taken a hit, but the overall business climate will remain strong in the wake of the clash with Hamas in Gaza. Israel, with its