Tag "IRS"

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Finance North America

What US capital gains tax reform means for investors

President Obama has put forth a new proposal to eliminate the “step-up” basis on inherited assets and subject more of their capital gains to taxation. What does this proposal mean

North America Politics

US corporate tax backlash keeps OECD at arm’s length

OECD efforts to develop international rules for corporate tax avoidance are necessary, if not overdue. The US, however, is playing politics, in spite of its own pressure on foreign governments

Finance North America

FATCA a big leap in tax enforcement

The US pushes to strengthen tax enforcement with an act set to come into force this July. The benefits are clear, but it remains to be seen how the costs of the

North America Politics

U.S. Congress allows R&D tax credit to expire

If the credit is extended sometime in 2014 it may not affect companies’ research departments, but it still will throw uncertainty into earnings reports and tax management. On January 1,